Eurovision at Lyrsense

On the threshold of forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest the portal’s administration decided to create a special page with “people’s voting” where visitors can vote for their favourite songs and then compare these results with official ones.

This page has its own design which differs from the rest of the portal, so I consider this work as a self-independent one.

That’s interesting ↓

At first we decided to keep to the beaten track and tried to draw a page in the portal style:

Вариант 1

Hearts are good, but as a whole it looks boring, pale and uninteresting. This page must attract, excite curiosity and draw visitors’ attention. Well, let’s try to create something else…

Second attempt:

Вариант 2

The customer is satisfied. Now we have to try to place contest’s logo and play with colours:

Вариант 3

Gradient border looks splendidly, but suddenly we understand that it will be almost impossible to make a reality of it. Using this gradient we’re trying to make something simpler:

Вариант 4

Alternation of blue and lilac borders look like a mental attack, so we decide to make all borders blue. And we must find a correct colour for links to make them readable on black background:

Вариант 5

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